Friday, August 6, 2021

When people let you down, remember that they have let themselves down as well.  Sometimes that is the time when they need you the most.

I’ve always believed in second chances...we give them to our children over and over again, but are not as willing to give “seconds” to others.

There is nothing better than a friend who gives you a second chance when you foul up.  We are such imperfect people that without friends who stand beside us in thick and thin, life would be unbearably lonely.

I have friends like Carolyn, Jeanette, Kathy, Sally, Becky B. and on and on that love me “warts and all.”  

Sometimes people make a mistake and don’t even know it.  Usually by something they say.

I prefer to believe that people  are just having a bad day.  Let it go.  Don’t get yourself in a fizz.  Hanging on to something someone said just upsets you and they probably don’t even know they said something wrong.

“Do unto others as you would that they do unto you,” works  pretty well  most of the time.

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