Thursday, August 26, 2021

I’m glad I don’t have to navigate getting my children to school this year.  It seems like a confusing situation.  Today, they said that parents had to be notified if their child was within 6 feet of a positive covid student sometime during the day.  One more thing for teachers to do.

How would you ever keep up with tracking that, recording it, notifying parents and have time to teach???  Teacher distraction all day long.  

When we let the feds instead of the local schools make rules for the school, we lost control.  You take Fed money, you get Fed rules.  

Local schools can make those decisions.  Masks, vaccinations, no masks--what ever.  Each school board is able to decide.  And people can go to the school board meetings and be heard.  Both sides of any issue.

Personally, I don’t care which rule they make, I will honor it.  I am a law abiding citizen who wants to do what is best for my community.

What amazes me is the bitterness that has been expressed by people over the issue.  They wouldn’t have been able to make it if they lived in the 1940’s.  There were a zillion rules during WW2.  We survived not being able to buy anything without a ration stamp.  Food, tires, name it.  And my home town was next to a German prison camp.  Middle America where it would be hard to escape.  There were lots of rules.

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