Monday, August 30, 2021

 Sunday we finally did the last chapter in Ecclesiastes.  If you have never read it, it is a description of the body as we grow old.  The first verse is an introduction to a verse that we all have heard before:  “Remember now your Creator in the days of your youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when you will say, I have no pleasure in them...”

Those of us who qualify as old--I am one of them--understand the warning to young people to stay close close to God and his instruction for your life because you don’t get to do your life twice.

Verse two is an analogy of loosing your eyesight. Verse three an analogy of essential tremor, lost balance and worn down teeth.  Verse four tells of your failing hearing.  Verse five of increased fear because you are no longer strong enough to protect yourself, and your hair turning grey.  Waning sexual desire, and a realization that your time is short.

That’s where Solomon was when he wrote this book in the Bible.  Older.  You may as well accept it, because that is what happens to us as we age.

I thank God that I can type.  I may have arthritis in parts of my body, but not my hands--Praise God.  The best way to live your life as you age is to get up every morning and thank God for what you have, not angry for what you have lost.  Deal with what is wrong with you with a touch of grace.  Learn something new that you can do as you age.  Not volleyball.

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