Tuesday, August 17, 2021

 Today I realized that I had been invaded by “army” worms.  I never heard about them, but my lawn people said they had 300 calls yesterday.  One day your fescue yard is lovely green and the next day it’s dark brown.

The lawn guy said they usually come in October, but due to the climatic weather change, this year they are here in mid-August.  In October you expect your lawn to start  changing brown.  Fescue lawn, that is.  And you get it reseeded if necessary in the spring.  But dead Fescue in August is not a good thing.  I’ve been running my sprinkler system for nothing.

I hope the worms don’t get an appetite for bermuda grass.  My back yard is beautiful and lush.

I hear that there are giant Asian wasps in the northeast moving our way.  I think we sowed the wind and have reaped the whirlwind with our treatment of God’s green earth.  Florida is being over run by exotic reptiles, Boas, lizards, etc. that people brought in as pets.  The West coast is burning up.  Entire towns have turned to ash.  

But here is the good news.  No tornadoes this year.  Not even a warning whistle.   Everything called “Tornado Alley” has shifted east.  I feel sorry for Mississippi, Louisiana, Tennessee, South Carolina, etc.  But very glad for Oklahoma.  We’ve done our part in the wicked weather category. 

As a matter of fact, it hasn’t been terribly hot, we’ve had lots of rain.  Do you remember whenever we had this much rain in August. So I guess my thought for the day is, “Look for the good.”  There is enough bad going around that you don’t have to look for it. 

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