Monday, August 16, 2021

Today is a “Yea” day.  Becky Bacon came to stay with me yesterday in the early afternoon and isn’t leaving till noon today. We are compatible companions.  We spend most of out time together not talking.

She tells Joe, “I’m going to Janie’s to not talk to her.”  She sits on the sofa, I sit in my chair and every now and then one of us says something and then we go back into the quiet zone.  It is such a peaceful way to visit.

But this time it has been awhile since she has been here and we have talked non stop.  She has a bedroom, lets herself in, takes her stuff to her bedroom, brings her own brand of coffee she likes and we eat “whatever.”  This morning we had pizza for breakfast.

My Becky (daughter) came over yesterday afternoon to visit with her.  They caught up, I listened.  And between the two of them I always learn something.  My grandson Steven called at 8 this morning to talk to me and turned out all I did was listen.  He and Becky Bacon talked for 30 minutes.

I’ve begged Becky Bacon to pack Joe up and move to Edmond.  But Joe, at 80, still teaches flying lessons 40 hours a week.  I told him that we have landing strips in Edmond, but he’s wired in there.  Joe gave me a book to read last time he came--about three guys that hooked wire like Ken did.  I knew one of them.  Joe knew them all.  Interesting.  Tailhook pilots. 

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