Edit, edit, edit...the new publisher wants me to “show” not “tell” my story. Since I have always been a story “teller” I am having a difficult time converting my style. And I really don’t want to-- which makes it difficult. But....
If I want a traditional publisher, I have to learn to write what they want. And I don’t want to self-publish unless it is a last resort. That way to publish doesn’t get you into book stores, libraries, newspaper columns, book clubs or anything else that touches the public.
You can self publish on Amazon for free....although there are dozens of advertisers telling you that they will publish your “Christian” book...send them money and they will “help” you.
Nope. That’s a racket. They give you nothing that you can’t do for yourself. So...I am between a rock and a hard place. I’m trying to “show” action instead of “telling” it. Like I said...edit, edit, edit. If I don’t get somewhere soon, I’ll self publish and let you know.