Wednesday, November 23, 2022

    We are going to be down tomorrow from 47 to 26 or so. Becky is once again going to host all who show up.  Kathy sent two pans of rolls, I’ve made dressing and gravy. Everyone brings something and it’s always a surprise.
    Squig went to the vet last night.  Fluids, appetite enhancer, etc.  It’s a monthly deal now.  His vet has hours from noon to night some days which helps.
    We celebrate thankfulness this week.  I am so thankful I can see, hear, walk, take care of myself, pay my bills, type, drive to the vet, have plenty to eat, have heat, home, electricity, running water...just think of all of the people in the world who don’t have the basics of life.  We are so blessed in this country...and don’t even think of all the things we have most of the time.  
    “Every good and every perfect gift is from above and comes down from the Father of light in whom there is no variableness neither shadow of turning.”

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