Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Last night, I went sound to sleep at nine.  At ten after ten, someone yelled “Janie” really loud.  It was the strangest thing that has happened to me in a long time.  I hit the floor running...but nobody was there.  I checked the house.  Nothing.  Just me, myself, and I.  I wasn’t in a dream.  There was only that one word.  Nothing before that....or after.

But of course, I was wide awake.  So I was trying to think why I heard someone yell for me, and of course the story of Samuel came to mind.  And Eli, telling him to go back to bed...three times before Eli told Samuel it was God calling his name.

You can be sure that I explained to God that if He was the one who called me, that I was listening.  Maybe I was just supposed to remember and read about Samuel...and be aware that God does sometimes call our name.  I went back to bed.  Slept very well, no dreams or wake ups.  I just know now that if God ever does want to call my name, it will wake me up.   

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