Friday, November 25, 2022

It is the end of the week again.  How this happens, I don’t know.  I turn around and the week is gone.  My sister Lisa (21 years younger than me) was here for turkey day and took a high chair home with her that has been used by dozens and dozens of babies through the years.  It was hers when she was small and all of my grandchildren and their children have used it as well. 

She was glad I had kept it all these years.  It is a carved solid wood, walnut-colored, pull up to the table chair... no tray...It fits exactly so that the arms of the chair go under the edge of the table and baby thinks they are grown up!  I’ve used it as an end table (!) to hold papers for years--papers that I intend to go through and never I now have to do something with the papers.

She sent me a picture of Charlie...her first her table...sitting in his grandmother’s (her) chair. I’m glad I hung on to it for 60 years.  It is a sweet picture to me.  So many babies in the family have used it.  It’s a “come to the table with the rest of us” chair!  You don’t have to sit off by yourself and eat off a tray. 

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