Monday, November 21, 2022

I was stacking up the bills that came in this last week to pay them, and my computer won’t let me do it.  Why??  It is just one more thing that my computer does to mess with my sanity.  I don’t know how to fix anything when it messes up. They say the thing to do is call your grandchild.  They know what to do.  

But the thing that irritates me is that I am going to have to put on my woolies tomorrow and drive to the bank, take my computer with me and get them to fix it.  I really don’t want to get out into the cold.  But I can’t even follow the instructions they give me when I call the service number.

All in all, the system is rigged to make me feel like an idiot.  And the scary thing is, maybe I am?  Why can’t I learn this stuff and all these keys on my Mac.  Why do I learn how to do one thing and forget another?  Computers were supposed to make things easier.  It may have happened for you, but it didn’t happen for me.  I stay confused.

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