Friday, November 18, 2022

This publisher that is communicating with me.....which in itself is a miracle--they seldom do that....wants me to revise the book to “show” the story rather than “tell” the story.   Where would a person start to do that!  And how?  I don’t have a clue how to do that.  I am a story teller.  My kids say, “Give mom three facts and she will make up the rest.”

I call Carolyn every time I write something and read it to her.  She has spent countless hours going over what I write because she loves me and believes that the stories I am writing are worth publishing.  So if Carolyn approves--and she has a Master’s in English composition--that should be the seal of approval.  I basically am satisfied once Carolyn gives her okay.

This new publisher has made me appreciate the publisher who is working on the first book I submitted.  She spent hours and hours on the phone with me going over every page, making corrections, rewriting a sentence...etc.  She called and worked on over 250 pages with me day after day, after day--until we were both satisfied.  It seems impossible to do what this second publisher wants...I need more help that “Telling me what she wants me to do.”  I need someone invested in it like Carolyn is.  But of course, that requires love.

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