Tuesday, November 1, 2022

The world has forgotten how to think.  Everyone is arguing about stupid things.  I can’t help but think about what separates churches...speaking in tongues, when to be baptized, what day to go to church, whether the church saves you, healing, etc., etc.  instead of the point of it all which is:

Jesus came because we can’t save ourselves.  He died to save us from ourselves.  Our opinions about all of the things in the Bible really come down to two rules. 

1.  Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind and soul.

2.  But....Love your brother in a different way altogether!!!  Love others as you love yourself.  Not with your “heart, mind, and soul,” but with care for them.  Treat them with kindness, forgive their mistakes, don’t judge, help them when they need help.    We need to rethink the way we approach religion.  It’s really pretty simple and doesn’t include things that divide us. 

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