Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Squig is going back this evening to see his favorite vet.  She calls him by his name and he crawls into her arms.  When I let him out of the car, he heads to the vet doors.  That is such a blessing.  It is hard enough to see him deteriorate, but liking his vet makes it easier for me.

He couldn’t keep anything down yesterday.  How do you know when to let him go to heaven?  He isn’t in any pain--that I can tell.  He sleeps all day and seems happy doing that.  He crawls under the covers every night to sleep where it is warm.

Yes...Squig will go to heaven.  Since Jesus is coming back on a horse, I know there are animals in heaven.  And as far as I know, Squig has never had a single sin, so he doesn’t need to repent.  I don’t know what the criteria are for a dog to go to heaven, but Squig is top dog in the area of “being good.”  He is such a sweet dog.  He is my best friend.

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