Tuesday, December 27, 2022

A number of you have asked why I quit blogging....I have been really ill.  I thought for a couple of days I was done for.  I had a nurse for a week...which probably was what kept me going.

I don’t know what I would have done without my brother...He is the smartest doctor I know even on his worst day.  He coached me through it--by phone.  Along with an emergency room run and antibiotics.

Good thing is, I made it.  But I don’t know that I will blog every day for a while.  I am really tired. 

Someone said, I’ll pray that God’s will is done.  I said, “God is not the author of sickness.  Jesus spent day after day healing the sick.  Pray for healing.  It is never God’s will to make us sick.  And He says to come to Him and ask...”  He has been gracious and I am better...I’m on the mend.

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