Thursday, December 15, 2022

I have been cleaning out paper....and ran across meaningful scripture that I had written down.  It caught my heart:  

“Who am I Lord and who is my house that you have brought me this far?”  2 Samuel 7:18-29.

That 18 year old girl who had never been anywhere, who married and was alone in a strange world of the Marine friends, no car, no family, couldn’t cook, didn’t know how to do anything but play the piano and marimba...God has brought me a long way.  Who am I Lord? 

Five children, ten grandchildren, 9 “house” now that I have now.  I couldn’t have imagined it back then.  I can hardly imagine it now.

What do people do who don’t know God.  How do they make it through the ups and downs of living a life?

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