Thursday, December 1, 2022

I think I skipped a day of posting.  Any more, I don’t even know when I do that!  I’ve been driving myself nuts editing.

My friend Carolyn was blessed by God with the gift of discernment.  Last night, in despair, I told her, “I can’t do this anymore.”  She said, “Janie, you are a great writer, but you are editing the wrong book and making yourself sick.  Stop it.”
Just like that!  She knows me really well.  First: encouragement--you are a good writer.  Second: You are stressing yourself over something you don’t want to do and wasting time on the wrong thing.  And third:  Stop it.

I went to bed last night with a light heart and didn’t need anti-acids.  I woke up this morning ready to edit what I’ve been wanting to edit instead of facing a job I was doing for a publisher I don’t know.  Thank God for friends.  They see right through us to the problems.

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