Friday, December 9, 2022

My grandson David helped me bury Squig this morning.  I can’t stop crying.

Squig was so sick in the night, I held him...quietly, he looked in my eyes saying, “I trust you.”  It was time.  He let me hold him like that, until it was over. He just quietly waited on me. 

I’ve never cried like this in my life.  I think it is because everyone else that I have loved went in their own time.  Squig was depending on me to stop his suffering.  He just lay in my arms waiting.  He was ready, I wasn’t.

The vet who has cared for him this last year told me, “You have done a remarkable job of caring for this little dog through his illness...”  It didn’t help much.”  I did my just wasn’t good enough.  The only thing that makes it bearable is that he is with God and like all the ones I have ever loved, I will hold them all again.

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