Thursday, December 15, 2022

The tornado alley has moved east.  Oklahoma always got it.  Right up through the middle of America...every spring and summer.  But now, with the shift in the weather pattern due to warming of the earth, the tornados have shifted to Mississippi.

My friend Sally lives in Mississippi and every time I watch the weather now, it is going right over the top of her.  Those of us in Oklahoma have a storm shelter, or know someone who does.  The southeastern states don’t have very many of those.  They are at the mercy of the wind.  And it is destroying entire towns and killing a lot of people. 

I don’t have a shelter, but my neighbors do.  I’ve only gone to Jeanine’s twice since I moved here.  And only once of those times because of the siren--it came across the top of us, but lifted and jumped I-35.  My daughter Becky’s neighbor lost part of their roof.  But in 8 years being here...all I can say is “Thank You Lord,” and spare my Mississippi friend Sally.

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