Friday, December 2, 2022

I lose my phone at least once a day.  Usually I can retrace my path and find it...if I can remember my path!!  It is very traumatic.

Today, I went to breakfast with Ann--as usual on Fridays.  We were on the way home and I realized I couldn’t find my phone.  We went back to everywhere we had been and I remembered I had sat down to wait on her on a sofa at one of the places.

And Ann...kind soul that she is to me...went back in so I wouldn’t have to walk and tear up the pain in my back.  She called my phone when she went into the place and sure enough, the phone had fallen out of the side of my purse and slipped under the cushions on the sofa I had been sitting on.

Thank the good Lord that the sofa hadn’t been sold yet.  I have got to start asking myself every time I move from one place to another...”do you have your phone?”  It is amazing how dependent we have become on our cell phones.  It is now my true brain storage place.

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