Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Kidults...the new word for kid games for adults.  I love games, puzzles, etc.  Anything that makes me figure things out.  Maybe that’s why I became a mathematician? 

This year is winding down.  I still......don’t have anything Christmas up. I did go back to the closet and look at all of it.

I don’t need anything.  I don’t want anything.  I don’t want to take care of anything.  And the things I would like to have are foods the gastro-guy says I can’t eat anymore.

He left me some things that I like.  Right now it is all liquids.  Which is ok.  I can do it.  I get to add foods back one at a time to find which ones I can tolerate. 

I told my sister Lisa, and my brother Bill, that I am taking all the hits for the family so that they won’t have to.  I got all the genetic anomalies. 


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