Sunday, December 18, 2022

Every day it is something new.  Friday night, I thought I had appendicitis.  Pain so bad I could hardly walk.  Becky took me in to the emergency room and said “Mom, quit talking.  Just let them take care of you.”  She knows me pretty well.  

It reminded me of when Ken had it and we couldn’t get him to go to the emergency room.  He kept saying he would be ok.  Jon and Scott picked him up under his arms and drug him to the car.  He was past the point of resistance.  It had ruptured already.  Marines.  They can be stubborn.

But I had a bad bout of diverticulitis.  I warn you all, don’t get that either.  Horrible horrible pain.  But today, I think I’m going to live.  The pain is better.  When I got to the emergency room, they rammed a needle up my arm and hit me with morphine.  Thank God for morphine.  Tomorrow I see a gut doctor and he will tell me what to do.  Basically, He’s going to tell me to quit eating anything I like.  I’ve been on a liquid diet for three days and that is the pits. 

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