Thursday, January 12, 2023

Every time Google updates I have to remember passwords, verification codes etc. and it drives me nuts.  Why do I need all that to blog?  

I have to learn to slow my movements down.  I have always been "quick" and done two or three things at once.  With four kids and the chaotic lifestyle I led, it was necessary or I wouldn't ever get through the things I had to do.

But now, I use a walker and quick movements are counter productive to say the least.  Older people fall.  Our balance is out of whack.  I can manage without the walker, but I promised that I would use it and I've kept the promise.  I don't need a broken hip--which is what most of the over-the-hill-gang seems to break.  Learning to do things different than you always did is difficult. New" doesn't come easy.  And I don't like change. I am a creature of habit.  When I was so sick last month, I quit blogging and now I am putting it in line before the crossword so that I do it and don't forget--until one of you reminds me.

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