Wednesday, January 18, 2023

    My son-in-law Craig has a saying that I love and have put into action in my own life.  "We need to generously tip the working poor."  
    That is so true.  Even though they are working, waiters, cooks, and attendants can't make enough to survive.  And what does an extra couple of dollars mean to those of us who can afford to eat out.
    It has changed my interaction at the places I go to eat.  I've told you that I always wait until they are bringing our food and have their hands full (and can't avoid my question) to ask them if they have anything they would like for us to pray for them when we bless our dinner.  I have only ever had one say "No, I'm good."  Some of them have broken into tears.
    Maybe a larger tip will let them know we aren't just "Name only Christians."  I once heard one say, "Christians are the stingiest people I serve."  That is inexcusable.  

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