Friday, January 6, 2023

People ask me, “Can God do anything?”  I think there are things he can’t do, like lie, or break his promises, etc.  But on a larger scale, “Does He know everything?”

That’s a different question.  We were talking about predestination in the class a month or so, which Calvinists believe--that some are chosen to be saved.

The problem is that if that is true, at the instant a baby is conceived, it is doomed or blessed.  And if God knows that baby is doomed, he is authorizing a soul to Hell.  How people can believe that a holy loving God would do that, I don’t understand.  The Bible doesn’t teach that.  So the next question is, “Does God know everything?”  If he can do anything, can he choose not to know something? That is what I believe.  I think He offers salvation to every soul and since he can do anything, he chooses not to know and keeps hoping that soul will choose Him.  “Come unto me,” He never gives up.

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