Thursday, January 19, 2023

    I went to get the paper...which wasn't there yet, and it is icy cold outside.  My rule of planning out tomorrow (each night when I go to bed) has been slowing down.  I always give myself three things to accomplish the next day, and plan out three meals to eat. Yes, I am OCD.  But it works well.  It motivates me to get something done.
    I have been so successful with this self-imposed routine that I am running out of things to do--except for paper.  There is always paper.  But even that is shrinking.  I am filling up the recycling trash can every week with paper.  In the mess of paper things, I found a notebook of limerics that I had written fifty years ago.  Silly stuff for a creative writing class.
      I have a young piggy named Hog,
      Who waggles his tail like a dog
      He jiggles like jello
      When I yell a "hello"
      And shakes all the pigs in the bog.   etc.  (Stupid stuff like that)

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