Tuesday, January 10, 2023

I have been on a tear...cleaning out superficial pieces of furniture and the junk they contain.  I have a beautiful desk that is useless.  You can’t get your knees in the opening because of the carved walnut edges.  I bought it because it was pretty.  Stupid, stupid, stupid. 

I am tired of things that don’t work.  I emptied the drawers, found a new home for things that mattered and threw a ton of junk away.  It is empty.  Out, out, out it goes.

I have emptied five drawers of stuff in the room I spend most of my time in.  They are now orderly.  A month ago, I had prayed for God to give me motivation to get something around this house done.  Like Pilgram’s Progress, I had slunk into the slough of despond.  Be careful what you pray for!!!  Wow, did He ever motivate me.  Thank God for helping me do what needed to be done.  It is so satisfying to have “order” in my home.

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