Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Every time I write a book, it has to be edited, and edited and edited.  Which I couldn’t possible do without Carolyn.  I fix a sentence, call her and read it to her, and she changes a word or says delete that sentence.  I can’t edit my own writing very well.  She puts up with me.  And is an excellent word-smith.

Today I have finished the next (third) book I am going to submit--now that I have found a publisher who likes what I write.  And I am starting the first editing run-through of a book I have  written about my grandmother.  The first time I do this, I delete, delete, delete...because just like when I am talking, I repeat myself.  And don’t know I have done it.  My friends know and put up with it???

Amy...thank you for the notes you send me and updates on your children.  Looks like you are doing a great job and about to have an empty nest.

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