Monday, January 30, 2023

When I go to bed at night, I decide three things I am going to do the next day.  I try to put at least one thing that I have been procrastinating on my list.  So far, it is working wonderfully for me.  I needed to write three letters (which I considered as one thing on my list).  Two of them I received before Christmas.  I got it done.  One was to a 95 year old friend who I have not seen since 1961...she has 13 children, but finds time to write me.  I know she loves to get mail...I'm from that era also.

Ice is pounding the windows, coating the streets.  And I have an appointment thirty minutes away. I will have to cancel and think up another thing to do for my third thing.

I also plan what three meals I am going to eat.  I am such a creature of habit I even bore myself.  But since I have been doing my "three" things, I have done more this year that all last year put together.  So I guess it is working.  

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