Friday, January 13, 2023

Kathy told Carolyn that she was going to keep on sending me hot yeast rolls even though i'm not supposed to eat white bread any more.  I will eat one a day.  That won't hurt me.  I just can't eat a dozen at a time anymore--with butter and honey.  I think this is going to be hard.  I love Kathy's rolls.

I went to Brahms and sure enough, eggs are 6.59 a dozen.  However they have 6 hardboiled, peeled and sealed, in a package for 2.59...that saves a dollar.  And I don't have to boil and peel them.  I chop them up and make egg salad.

Ann will be here in a bit and we will go to breakfast.  As long as she will drive, I'll go.  it gives me something to look forward.  She is my only "sister" (cousin) except for Lisa who was born when I was 21 and had two kids.  Lisa has become a sister in the last few years especially since she now has a grandson.  I get pictures from her.  He is a doll baby.

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