Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Becky Bacon's surgery is over.  She's miserable, but all seems to be going as well as can be expected.  So far all she has done is sleep.  I've hidden her keys, because, since she is an RN, she tends to think she is invincible.  I'll give them back when I "good and well" feel like it.  And that won't be tomorrow.  We'll see.  So far, she is glad I'm waiting on her.  Three meals a day and a soft pillow.  Squig is helping.  He has abandoned me and taken up residence in the crook of Becky's knees--where she is sleeping on the sofa.

When I served supper yesterday, she asked "Who cooked this?  Was it Jeanine next door, or Linda across the street?"   She was on track--she knew it wasn't me.  Last time s.he was here she couldn't get over my neighbors--the way they brought food to me.   (It was from Linda.  Spaghetti.  And Jeanine brought us lemon cake and homemade granola for breakfast.)   These two women are the kindest, most thoughtful neighbors anyone has ever had.  They have the hearts of a servant.   They exemplify the caring nature of Christ himself.  They bring me food all the time.  (I try to reciprocate, but there is no way I can keep up.)

All because I live alone.  Because I am rather elderly.  Because I am a widow.  (I hate that word.)  And their husbands are just as helpful.  Jeanine's husband always takes my garbage to the curb.  I can't get it out there ahead of him.  He has it done before I even think about it.  Linda's husband regularly asks if I need anything.  How can he help.  Delivers my mail to my door.

I feel like Julia Andrews in "The Sound of Music."  Somewhere in my youth or childhood, I must have done something good?  I certainly am not deserving of such a degree of kindness.

People like my neighbors make me want to be a better person.  There are so many things we can do to help those around us.  We just have to be aware.

Next week sometimes I will cook roast, carrots and mashed potatoes for all of them.  I don't cook very often because it's hard to cook for one.  But I can do a roast.  And share.  These neighbors deserve a night out every now and then.

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