Monday, April 16, 2018

I thought I knew what "Chicken Fried" was all about.  I've been cooking chicken fried steak, chicken, mushrooms, etc. all my life.  But a few weeks ago, I went to Fish City Grill and ate chicken fried catfish.  I've eaten a lot of fried catfish in my life, but nothing like this.  To chicken fry something you have to dip it in buttermilk, then flour (with cornstarch baking powder and soda), then buttermilk and flour a second time.  Yum.

So like I said, I thought I had seen it all.  But Saturday morning, Becky and Craig took me to "The Hatch," for breakfast, and I ate Chicken-fried eggs.  They were delicious.  The eggs must have been parboiled, peeled and then dipped in the buttermilk batter before they were fried.  With Bearnaise sauce on the side. They were cooked to perfection.  I can't tell you how good they were.

I do love to eat.  And being around Becky (daughter) means that I will usually end up eating something I've never tasted before.  Her world travels have exposed her to every imaginable kind of food. (She just got back from Japan.)  Next week her Budapest guide, Erica, is coming to spend a week with Becky in Oklahoma.  I'm anxious to meet her.  I wonder what she will think about American food.  Probably that a lot of it is fried.

I hope we will get to eat when we get to heaven.  I'm thinking that we will because the Bible tells us that in heaven, "...the angel showed me the river of the water of live...also on either side of the river, the tree of life with its twelve kinds of fruit, yielding its fruit each month.  The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations."

That is a lot of fruit.  And I think we are going to get to eat it.

I hope so.  The nations need to be healed.

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