Friday, April 13, 2018

I just want to be sure I've told you:  "Don't get a Koi pond."  They are a money pit.  You have to drain them and clean them to the tune of $350 every year.  And that doesn't count the occasional breakdown in the system--which creates additional expenses.

Yes.  Mine is pretty, with a surround of stone and a cascading waterfall.  But it came with the house when I bought it--I didn't put it in.  The Koi themselves are expensive, and I have lost three of them so far.  If it wasn't for my grandsons loving to feed the fish, I'd fill it with concrete in it and call it a patio.

The man who redid my master bath--Tony--came today to work on the pond.  He brought his twin sons who are in the seventh grade to help him.  They were the most polite young men I have ever met.  "Yes ma'am, Thank you, and Can I help you with that," were repeated by the two of them over and over.  It gives me hope for the human race.  They were here for over six hours without bickering, complaining or anything that could be remotely considered negative.  They were a joy.

I had a frozen phone that had put me into a fizz.  I couldn't use it and was looking at a trip to the Apple store.  The boys said, "May we help you with that?"  And they did.  Setting up new passwords, cleaning the system and whatever else my phone needed--explaining what they were doing as they went along.  Which I didn't understand at all.  But which fixed all my problems.

I told Tony that if he and his wife wanted to go out for a night on the town, to send the boys over to babysit me and fix all my electronic stuff.

Becky Bacon is still here.  She is better, but still not up to snuff.  I love having my friends stay with me.  We have done absolutely nothing and enjoyed doing it immensely.

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