Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Becky invited her guide from Budapest to come to America and stay for a couple of weeks.  I met her today.  Lovely.  I can't wait to sit down and listen to her life.  I hope she will share it.  Her country was controlled by the Communists, then the Nazis during WW2.  Her parents and grandparents lived through all that.

Scott called yesterday all excited.  Seems he got his raised beds built at the new house they just moved into. One of those first things first for a gardener.  Scott is the only other person in my family that likes to garden.  The rest of them don't know what they are missing.

He explained to me that my dad, his grandfather, told him how to know when to plant.  I hadn't heard my dad tell this, so I was interested.  He said that "Poppie" told him not to plant anything before the first full moon in April.  He said it had something to do with atmospheric pressure.  Makes sense to me.  I'm sure it also has something to do with the fact that the temperature in Oklahoma is erratic.

That's what has been wrong with my planting stuff.  Wrong time.  So today, I put more tomatoes in the ground.  Tomorrow I'll plant kale and okra.  I've got to quit jumping the gun on planting stuff.  It certainly hasn't worked very well so far.

I got the shovel out and rooted up some bermuda grass and expanded my tomato bed.  Surely the tomatoes will grow.  I even bought some special soil.  Guaranteed to grow vegetables.  I'm a sucker for gardening guarantees.

But even with all that, it depends on God.  If we don't get rain it's all over.  Or if it's too hot.  Or too cold.  Or too windy.  Or it hails.  Or we have a tornado.

Gardening in Oklahoma is not for the faint of heart.

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