Wednesday, April 4, 2018

The first step in being an effective servant of Jesus is to get used to opening your mouth and saying something.  It doesn't have to be much.  You don't need to dump the Bible on people.

Start with saying "God Bless You."  To people who serve you.  At McDonald's, Starbucks, the grocery check out, when you go to the bank.  You will be amazed at how many people smile and say "Thank You."  It may be the only time that day that they hear God's name in a positive light--that isn't a curse.  If you go back to the same place regularly, they start expecting you.  And they smile.

It will soon become a habit.  And what a great habit it is!  Blessing people and smiling when you do it.  It will become a natural part of your life after awhile.  And every now and then someone will say, "You too."  That feels good.  You are continually scattering "God seed."

Today, the plumber came to my house and he got blessed.  "Thanks for coming to help me.  And God bless you," with a wave as he left.  It's an easy "no stress" way to become comfortable with being who you are.  A Christian!  We should be joyful people.  Always ready to bless someone for God.  It's what we do.   Bless others.  You can't be a blessing to people you don't meet.  Try to be a blessing to those you do!

I like the old adage that says, "If you went on trial for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?"

We are starting a new thing in my Sunday class.  We are all going to join something we haven't ever done before.  That way we will meet new people.  It's easy to get stuck in a rut with the same old crowd.  One of the women came back the next Sunday and said, "I've lived in my house for 30 years and never gone to a home owner's association meeting.  I joined.  I'm going to get to know some of my neighbors that I've never met.

Try it.  Just start with making a habit of saying, "God Bless You."  There are a lot of lonely people out there that need you to bless them.  Join something.  I went to the OSU Master Gardening classes for four weeks.  This week I am going to start swimming again.  Who knows who I will meet.

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