Friday, April 27, 2018

So, I bought the recumbent bike.  That was step one.  (Because the spine specialist told me I had to.)  But step two was terrible.  I had to give up a piece of furniture to get the bike into my living room where I could watch TV while I am peddling.  (I had dozens of people tell me to put it in another room.  To buy a second TV.  Bottom line--I didn't want to put it in another room.)

Which meant--step three--that every piece of furniture in my living room had to be moved, rearranged, tried out for at least 24 hours--then moved again.  It took me three days of rearranging.  I can't push with my arms, so it meant sitting on the floor and pushing with my feet.

More than once I got stuck behind something and didn't know if I was going to be able to get up and out.  It was comical.  I couldn't get hold of anything to pull myself up, so had to wriggle around to get on my knees and back out butt first.  You would think I would finally give up and wait until I had some help.  But no.  No.  I wanted it done.  Now.  I would go to bed and not be able to go to sleep trying to figure it all out in my mind.  I even dreamed about moving furniture.

I am sometimes my own worst enemy.  I am so, so sore today.  Every muscle in my body aches.  The point of getting the bike was because I needed exercise.  Well, I got exercise moving furniture during the last three days.  In addition to riding the bike.

Which brings me to step four, which is flat out irritating.  I have to get longer wires for the wall TV, rehang pictures, and replace lamps and move doodads around.  That will take another week.  But all the furniture is where it is going to stay.  I have to give up one of the pair of matched recliners--which is relatively pain free.  I can only sit in one recliner at a time anyway.

I started at 3 minutes on the bike and have worked myself--one minute at a time--up to 16.

Surely there is some Bible verse I could quote to justify all of that effort?  I just can't think of one.  One thing is for sure, if either of my daughters read today's blog, I'm in trouble.

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