Thursday, April 19, 2018

God has taken mercy on my gardening failures.  The local store where I buy my plants has put their tomatoes on for a one day special--for less than half price.  I feel a lot better about going to buy new plants.  I feel a lot better about losing all my plants to the freeze.  ( Three Freezes.)  This will reduce the price of the tomatoes that I ultimately grow to $35 apiece.  Win-win.

I don't have any other vices that I know of.  I don't quilt or crochet.  I don't paint.  I don't golf, bowl, or hunt deer.  I don't go to ball games.  I don't eat pop-corn at the movies.  So maybe growing tomatoes is an inexpensive hobby?

My asparagus survived the three freezes.  The tops froze, but the roots are underground and survived. I'm waiting for it to pup up again.  It seems counterintuitive that the only thing that survived is something that I don't eat.  I grow it to give it away.  It is the easiest vegetable of all to grow, and the hardest to kill.  I think it is a weed.

All of the rhododendrons that I planted died.

Why do I keep doing this to myself?

The yellow peony survived.   The phlox was spectacular.  The violas are peeking up.  And the Iris is getting ready to bloom.

That's why.

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