Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Some people seem to think that government can cure our morals.  (I'm not even sure who the evangelical petrol is.)  I'm just a plain old Christian who believes that only Jesus can cure our morals.  God is the one who is in control.  And teaching children to be moral adults begins when they are small.  Sunday School is your best helper in doing that.  

I taught Bible School last year--I was terrible at it. (I've always taught teens and adults.)  There were over fifty adults working with the children who also teach them on Sundays--and some of them have done it for their entire adult life.  I was amazed at their dedication.  They were awesome.  I know I depended on the church--back when I was raising children--to fill in the gaps for me.  You need all the help you can get.

I was watching television yesterday and was shocked to learn that a huge percentage of school age children need care for depression.  I don't doubt it.  Teen suicide is at an all time high.  When you raise children with no concept of a God who is in charge of the world, kids find it hard to find meaning in their lives.  Or purpose.

And this "anything goes" society that we live in gives a child no moral boundaries.  If you don't have a moral authority, it really doesn't matter what you think about social issues.  But if you know that there is a God who loves you and wants what is best for you, it is a foundation to live by.  Living under God's authority gives you peace.  You don't have to accept immoral social beliefs--that go against God.  And you don't have to apologize for what you believe. You have set your faith on God's principles.  What a comfort that is.   People with  different principles aren't arguing with you anyway.  They are arguing with God.  All you have done is come under His authority, not the world's.  Just go about living like he wants you to.  Don't argue with people.  They aren't listening.

In Joshua  24:15, Joshua put it this way when he said, "But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve...but as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord."  You can't have two masters.  There is a choice to be made.  God.  Or not.  I've chosen God and His word.  It makes all of my thoughts and decisions and beliefs in agreement with  Him.  I don't have to argue with anyone about anything.  I've come under a higher authority.

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