Thursday, April 5, 2018

I went swimming twice last week.  Today I went again.  No more.  I'm done.  If I do any more wet stuff, I'm going to do it in the bathtub.  Soaking in steaming hot water.

I guess if I want to exercise, I'm going to have to get a recumbent bike.  One that leans backward.  I went to the orthopedist a week ago and he took a look at my CT scan, turned around and looked at me and said, "Your back is shot."   No lie, Dick Tracy.  "I've been telling you that Physical Therapy wasn't helping for me--for the last six months."  I can't walk any distance anymore.

Nice part is, that it feels fine when I am sitting.   No problem with my back at all.   I'm not any older than I ever was.  It's my body that's out to get me.  I feel betrayed.  

I hate to exercise.  I always have.  And now that I am supposed to exercise, I like it even less.  I'm the kid who got a note from her mother every day so that I didn't have to go out for recess.

It's a blessing that I have a high metabolism.  I burn calories just sitting and "thinking."  I've always been thin.  And I have small bones.   Otherwise I would weigh 900 pounds, because I eat all the time. Three meals doesn't do it.  Four, or sometimes five is normal for me.  And snacks all day long.

So the way I figure it, I get enough exercise getting up and down to go get something to eat.  And chewing.  Chewing counts.  I drink eight to ten cups of tea each day.  Swallowing counts.

But in spite of all that, I know that I've been too sedentary. So, I'm going to buy a recumbent bike and plop it in front of the TV.  And I don't even like TV.  (Except Designated Surviver.)

If it sounds like I am whining, well, I am.  I'm irritated.  And so, knowing the solution, I will give thanks, "In everything give thanks."  Not "for" everything.

 God didn't say I had to like it.

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