Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Every single tomato froze.  I covered them to no avail.  If I were a lesser person, I'd give up about now.  But no!!  I will persevere.  I will grow tomatoes.  (God willing.)

I know how the Egyptians must have felt when they got their crops eaten up by locusts.  Pharaoh should have just let the Israelites go when Moses told Pharaoh to, "Let my people go.".

Everything in Oklahoma is burning.  Hundred of thousands of acres.  And the Oklahoma wind just turns the burn into a fiery frenzy.  Forty mile an hour winds.  You can't get ahead of a fire with wind like that.  And add to that, the fact that rain has been nonexistent.  The land is so dry it crackles.

I don't know what the ranchers are going to feed their cows.  They will probably have to take them to slaughter--which will drive down the price of beef since the market will be flooded.  Just another year in Oklahoma.  Fire, tornados, drouth or floods, freezing ice storms, and wind.  The eternal Oklahoma wind.  Feast, or famine.

The only reason to stay is the people.  They are the cream of the American crop.  The reason there are so many great country-western singers from Oklahoma is because there is so much to misery here to sing about.  Reba, Garth, Toby, Brooks and Dunn, Carrie, Blake, etc. etc.  They know about real life and how Okies endure it.

Three of my grandchildren are pregnant.  More great-grandchildren on the way.  More little Okies.  It is a lot of fun watching this generation figure life out.  I can't help but remember how ignorant Ken and I were about what was ahead of us.  With children, grand-children, great-grandchildren, and their spouses, there will be 32 of us before the year is out.   My quiver is full of arrows.

After I wrote that last sentence, I wondered if you were familiar with that passage from the Bible.  It's not as well known as some of the other passages.  It just means that you have enough people on your side to go to war.  I have an entire tribe.

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