Thursday, April 26, 2018

People find it difficult to defend their a beliefs--beliefs that are inspired by the Word of God.  Beliefs that are different from the present climate of tolerance, politically correct speech and "group thought."  Belief that God, not us, knows what is best for mankind in the long run.

The "concept" of equality and tolerance--of anything and everything--has reached insane levels.  We are not equal.  There is no way we can be.  I agree that all people are created equal--are born equal--but the concept ends there.  We strive for equal opportunity.  But equal outcome doesn't happen.

The rest of your life is predicated upon certain facts.  What country were you born it?  Who were your parents?  Were they married to each other, or were you born to a single mother.  Did your parents have proper finances to support you.  Were you encouraged to get an education.  Were you born into ethnic minority such as Mexican, Indian, or Black?  Did you have a physical disability?

And all of those questions--and multitudes of others--don't even consider the fact that you may have been born attractive.  Women who are slim and beautiful, and men who are handsome, tall and well built, without question have advantages.  Those are statistical facts.  If you have a natural talent, or a propensity to high intelligence--those are gifts that give you an advantage.  (You didn't earn them.)

Having been shaped by all of those things, and many others, the defining factor of equality is education.  What you have learned.  What you know by experience.  And how extensively you have been thought to think.  "Thinking" is a critical ability that can learned.  Freedom to think, and learn, and achieve, and grow into a productive and respected adult are the greatest freedoms of all.

Many people sputter out.  Quit.  And don't arrive at the same capacity for thinking as others do.  And as we look at our world, it is easy to recognize stupidity.  False perceptions.  When it comes time to vote, I want someone who can think.  I don't want someone who can't.  The difference is visible to people.  Some of it self imposed.  Some of it circumstantial.  But it is a fact.  We live in a country where everyone has the same opportunities.  But not everyone takes advantage of them.  People who can think reject things that are contrary to the health of a people and the health of a nation.   Equality is not earned by protest.  It is earned through the process of education.  Give me a thinker.

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