Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Becky Bacon is coming back on August 29.  I can hardly wait.  She is an absolute joy to be around.  She walks into the house, takes her stuff to "her" bedroom, puts yogurt in the fridge (I hate yogurt) and sits down.  Sometimes, we talk.  Sometimes we don't.  Sometimes we go get Hideaway Pizza, sometimes we go to the Garage and get hamburgers.  Sometimes we scrounge around in the refrigerator for leftovers.  She is like the sister I never had.

Of course, I have my sister Lisa, but she is the exact same age as my girls.  So she is more like one of my children.

Becky B. is going to help me hang pictures.  I should be through with everything else by the time she gets here, and the only thing left will be to hang things on the walls.  If we don't get everything done, my friend Rebecca Perkins has volunteered to help.  I'm going to be in debt  to everyone I know.  That's okay, they are good friends to be in debt to.

The last move, Lisa (sister) hung all my pictures.  But that was before she and Becky (daughter) got into the estate sale business.  (Swan Estate Sales--google it.) Now, neither one has time to mess with this kind of stuff.  And Lisa has a full time job Monday through Friday as well.

I'm sure I'll have plenty of help.  My Connection group at church has volunteered to help.  I'll use them to transport greenery and lamps if I need to.  I am so blessed that so many people have said they would help me.  I've learned one thing, when you are my age you need help.  I've always done everything by myself, but this time I do need help.  This will be move 27.  The next one--I swear--will be 6 feet down.

I've been making sandwiches for Tony and his boys everyday.  They scarf everything down.  And are so very polite.  If the rest of the world is raising boys like these two, our world is going to be in good shape.  When I went over to check on things today, their dad had backed himself into a corner of the hall, and the boys were crawling in and out of a window, bringing him tile they had cut for him.  Every time I think I can't be more impressed, they one up their game.

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