Wednesday, July 4, 2018

God bless America!  For all those who serve--and have served.  Thank you.

My house sold within 24 hours.  They will close in four weeks.  I close in three.  After David and Jennifer rejected the house across the street because it had too much work to do, I bought it.  Then they asked to see my house.  And bought it.  Like I said yesterday, whoever buys this house is going to get a whale of a deal.  No way I could ever get the money back that I've spent on it.  So if I am going to lose money, I'm glad it is for two of my grandchildren that I love.  This house is perfect, there is nothing left to do--inside or outside.  It is finished and beautiful.  But it has a slanted driveway that is too steep for an 80 year old woman.

I am so excited that my grandchildren will live across the street from me.  What a wonderful thing to have someone I love so close by.

Now I have to redo my new house.  Tear out tile and old wallpaper, rework the master bath, move my Italian chandeliers.  Line up people to tile, do the kitchen counters, and a million other things.  The most wonderful thing is that I can come back over here, and get cuttings from the hostas, peonies, ajuga, phlox, strawberries, etc, etc.  And all the tomatoes I've planted will produce more than they can eat, so I can share in the fruit of my labor.  This is a wonderful blessing.  To them, and to me.

I bought a house one day, then sold my house the next day.  Whirlwind.

Tomorrow I will pick out tile for the floor, and granite for the kitchen cabinets.  This is the hard part.  There are too many choices.  My mind is buzzing.  What should I do first?

Writing a blog is going to be hard for the next few weeks.  I can't think straight.

Bear with me.

It is strange how God works in our lives to give us all of the things we need.  He is so good.

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