Monday, July 30, 2018

On Wednesday, it will be August.  What happened to this year?!!  It is trickling like sand through my fingers.  I barely got Spring started and we are in the dog days of summer.  And the world is burning up.  It is hot everywhere.  All over the world.  I think it's probably time everyone agreed that the earth is warming up, and getting even warmer.  Europe is setting temperature highs.  So is Asia.  Hello--is China listening?  Maybe we should all get together in peace and figure out what to do for the good of us all???

Tile is down in the new house.  Tony will seal and grout it by Tuesday.  It looks fantastic.  All of you out there are invited to come by and look.  The appliances will be delivered Wednesday.  The 1st.  The counters go in Thursday.  Everything will be installed by Friday.  Jon, Scott and Sam are coming Saturday, Sunday and Monday to move all the boxes I've packed.  The movers are coming that Friday the 10th, and this house closes on the 13th.  Monday.   I think I am going to make it.

I watched Tony lay tile for the last five days.  And those 13 year old twins.  They keep amazing me.  Austin was running a tile saw with a water cooled rotating blade, and cutting tile while his dad was laying it.   He, Austin, said, "Go look at the tile I cut to go around the floor vents.  They were perfect.  I asked him what he was going to be when he grew up.  "A chef," he answered.  "I love to cook.  Especially baking things."  He has already picked the school he is going to go to in five years.

And Tyler said, "I'm going to be a mechanic.  My dad has already helped me take a car apart, and an engine apart," he continued.  "He taught me about a bunch of other car things and how to reassemble them. " I didn't know what he was talking about.  He obviously did.

What is so amazing is the intelligent conversations these boys conduct.  They hold their own on any topic that has come up.  They told me about the many (Many, many) surgeries and hospitalizations they have had due to problems they encountered (as twins) at birth.  Austin matter of factly said, "I gave Tyler a bunch of blood when he had to have a transfusion."  These boys amaze me.

They will go far.  I told both of them that I would try and make it to their high school graduation.  It gives me something to look forward to!!

Tony calls me grandmother.  The boys call me Ma'am.  You can't beat that.

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