Tuesday, July 3, 2018

When I moved to Edmond, I drew a three mile radius circle around my daughter's house and told the realtor to find me something with a flat driveway inside that circle.  Nothing was available.  That was my only request.  I  got within the three mile perimeter, but I didn't get the flat driveway.  And in three years--since I've been here--it has gotten harder for me to be steady on my feet as I go down the driveway to get the mail. The slant does me in almost every day.  I'm not getting younger!!

There is no way that I would move away from my wonderful neighbors who are so good to me.  But when the house directly across the street with the flat driveway came available, I thought, "This is what I was looking for three years ago."  After talking to everyone in the family about whether I was crazy or not, they all said, "Buy it."  So I made an offer, they  accepted.  Done.

Now I need to sell the one I am in.  The one that I have put three years of labor into landscaping.  The one with the garden just now starting to produce fresh vegetables.  This means I'll have to start over.  But since I love to do stuff like that, I'm sure I'll be okay.

Someone is going to get a whale of a deal on this house.  There is no way I can get my money out of it after all the things I've done.  I had said that I was never going to move again until they moved me six feet down.  Now, I am eating my words.  I would never have done some of the things I've done, or spent the money doing those things, unless I thought I was staying here forever.  But things change.

I take possession in three weeks.  God willing my carpenter is coming that day to start the overhaul--I've never moved into a house that I didn't have to do something--and this is no different.  I just hope I can get everything done before I get pressed by a buyer to move out of this house.  On the other hand, I hope its sells quickly.  School is starting and people are looking.  But if push comes to shove, I can do it.  I will have all winter to hang pictures, and figure out the small details.

I told my Sunday School class this morning that I would have a luncheon for them if we could have a "Move the Kitchen Day."  They seemed agreeable.  I got a man to come by this afternoon to haul off all the stuff in my garage.  Furniture, lamps, etc.  He is very poor, needs money, and resells it all. I had been wondering what I was going to do with all that stuff.  Praise God.  It's gone.

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