Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Yesterday was traumatic.  Too many things to do and too little time to get them done.  I'm sure you've had a day or two like that.  I took Squig to the Vet at 8:00 AM for surgery.  I found a lump on his right leg that looked really bad.  The Doctor said it was one of two things, either of which could be not good.  Turned out that he was able to get it all, it was contained.  But I spent four hours not knowing and it was really stressful.   I love Squig.  He loves me.  Just thinking about losing him was terrible.

The vet asked me if I wanted it tested and I said, "No. If it is cancer, there is no treatment for it but chemo, and I wouldn't wish chemo on a dog.  I've had chemo and it is the worst thing I have ever experienced.  I wouldn't do that to him."  The vet said that I was a wise woman.  I agreed with him.

But since I couldn't pick Squig up until they released him at 3 that afternoon, I drove to Oklahoma City--to keep my mind occupied--and picked out tile for the master bath at the new house.  Then went to the another tile shop and ordered the tile for the kitchen.  I don't think there is any way a woman could find all they want in one place.  It goes against our nature.  We like to make things complicated.

This is all such a tight squeeze.  Not enough days.  Everything happened so quick.  I thought I would have at least a week or two before my house sold.  I'm thankful, it's just that I'm pushed.  Becky Bacon is supposed to be here Sunday.  She will chill me out.

The best thing about good friends is that they fill in the cracks of your inadequacies.  They make you whole, entire, and functional again.  They convince you that you are better than you really are.  I think that is all I need right now.  A good dose of true friendship.

One good thing has happened.  Since I am in motion--filling boxes, bending, stretching--I am losing pounds.  I only need to lose six more and I will be very happy.  My back isn't.

It is amazing how greasy things on the shelves above the kitchen cabinets can get in three years.  Tomorrow I am going to fill the bathtub with Dawn and hot water and wash all the decorative greenery that was up there.  That ought to be good for at least a couple more pounds???

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