Friday, July 6, 2018

I had a meltdown this morning.  Thinking about granite for the kitchen, and tile for 5 rooms.  (The house had never been updated and needs attention.)  So I called Pat.  She soothes me out.  I couldn't decide where to start--so she went through all the steps of how to decide what to do first.  I finally made the decision for the dining room and kitchen tile.  I felt so much better that I came home and packed three more boxes.

My neighbor Jean had five boxes of neatly folded bubble wrap in her attic.  I threw all of mine out because I was never going to move again.  Jean told me, "Never say never."  She  is right.  I was able to "bubble" a number of items that were fragile.  And once I started, I just kept at it.  I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

It is always easier to see the end of the road after you start.  Starting is the hard part--in all the parts of our life.  We know what we ought to do, but we keep putting off the inevitable.  Which makes it worse because then you get stressed.

I try to stay a jump ahead of stress--because I am a worrier.  People who aren't OCD say, "Just trust the Lord.  It's going to turn out just fine."  I do trust Him.  When you buy a house one day, (so now you own two houses) and then you sell yours the next day, you know it is by the hand of God.  I think He grants me mercy because He knows me.  I have bees in my brain.  It isn't a matter of trust so much as an ability to shut my mind off.  Bees.  They buzz in my head.

I was in the middle of a sentence this morning, talking to Pat, then switched to another subject--then a moment later finished my previous sentence without taking a breath.  She said, "How do you do that. It drives me nuts."  She is calm most of the time.  I just think about two or three things at the same time and talk about all of it at the same time.  It seems normal to me.

I'm not going to leave a bunch of nail holes in the walls for my grandkids to worry with.  So today I am filling them in and painting over them.  It will be a good day I know, because I am going to be busy.

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