Thursday, July 19, 2018

Emptied the  freezer section of my refrigerator and took it across to the new house--I bought her freezer before she left.  There was meat in mine that was so old that even Squig wouldn't eat it.  Becky B. and I found some recent lamb chops--which we are having today.

I found stuff that I knew was in there that I hadn't been able to find.  The women in my family have a sickness called "If it has been marked down, you have to buy it and freeze it for another day."  I promised myself that I would never do that--but when you have a heredity gene for such as that, you can't help yourself.  Little by little I filled my little freezer section to overflowing.

I hereby make a vow:  I won't do that again.  I will cook everything I have now before I buy more.  When my mom died, I cleaned out her freezer.  In the bottom were things with dates back five or more years.  And in a freezer that wasn't frost free, all the water had been sucked out of the packages.  Instead of red meat, it was gray.  Daddy didn't know how to cook,  so after Mama died, all that frozen stuff just sat there for another five years.  I should have checked it sooner, but I didn't.

Becky B. and I cleaned out much of my garage--and took shelves over to the new house to put them on.  I feel like I have actually started to move.

Pat is coming in a few minutes to take me to the tile store to load tile.  She has a pickup.  Tony comes Monday to start ripping out the old tile--original to the house thirty years ago and stark white that shows every thing that touches it.  I need something more forgiving.

1Peter 5:7  "Cast your cares upon Him for He cares for you."  I think I must have my cares on a rod and reel because I cast and then I reel them back in.

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