Friday, July 20, 2018

Becky Bacon is an RN.  A super duper excellent RN.  Today, I was cleaning out the medicine shelves from stuff that I still had from when Ken was alive--almost 5 years ago.  We went through it all together and threw most of it out.  Yea.  I didn't know what to do with 90% of it anyway.   I always feel guilty when I throw something out that someone can use.  But you can't transfer medications legally, so I don't feel too bad.  One thing I was glad to get rid of was Tamoxifen--a chemo drug that I took for 9 years.  It was a terrible drug with multiple side effects--none of which were good.  But thank God I recovered.  I don't think it was Tamoxifen, I think it was prayer.

One more cabinet--the medicine cabinet--cleaned out and ready to pack.

We packed throw pillows today.  It took three really big boxes.  I have way too many.  I will not take all of them into my new house.  They will stay in their respective containers for Goodwill to enjoy.   And Goodwill picks things up!!  I called Habitat for Humanity today to come get the stove, oven, microwave and dishwasher from my new house.  I'm updating, but they are still useful.  HFH will pick them up as well.  Win-win.

I think I am going to break even on moving.  I hope so.

I bet you all out there are sick of my "Moving" saga.  Stay with me.  I'm sick of it, too.

Hopefully this will be over soon.

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