Thursday, July 12, 2018

Meltdown.  Do God's children have meltdowns???  Well I had one this morning.  The guy who was going to form the platelet for the kitchen counters showed up--right on time.  We went to the new house--I don't have possession for 9 more days, but the owners said I could measure.  So----we went in and the counters were covered with junk for a garage sale.  Everywhere.  No way he could measure.  And he doesn't have an opening to measure again for 15 more days.

I called Sally and she cooled me down.  "It's all going to work out, Janie," she said.  "You know that.  You just need to take a deep breath and trust God."  Duh.  What was I thinking.  I am such a perfectionist that I want everything to go 1, 2, 3.  But sometimes life goes 1, 6, 2.  I have everything lined out the way I want it and "Boom."  I have to recalculate.

I can recalculate.  I taught math for 20 years.  I know how to recalculate.  But, oh, it is painful for me.

It is not easy to be a perfectionist.  People don't live up to your standards.  You really believe that when someone says that they will do something, that you can count on it--because they would always be able to count on you.  But no.  It doesn't work that way.

But I will figure this out.  The kitchen counters will get measured.  The granite will be cut to fit, and it will get installed.  I just want it all done yesterday.  I just "lost it" for a moment when my plans went up in smoke.  Sally smoothed me out.  Calmed me.  She's really, really good at that.

I have the best friends in the world.  God has given me all that I need.  He is so good.  I'm going to get up in the morning and pack more boxes.  There is plenty to do to keep me busy.  I called my youngest son Jon, and he is going to help me move boxes on the 4th and 5th.  And grandson Sam is coming on Monday the 6th to finish the job.

In three days and Becky Bacon will be here.  She is going to stay for a week.  Heaven.  Such a wonderful blessing.  She is calm.  I need calm right about now.

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