Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Squig chewed his stitches out.  I took him back to the vet.  They glued it together this time and wrapped it again.  With a red wrap.   I think they save the red wrap for bad dogs. He is going to have to put the neck tube on again.  And of course, he hates it.  If he chews it off again, I'm going to glue his incision together myself.  I'm too embarrassed to go back to the Vet.  I had told him that Squig wouldn't chew on his leg--that he was a good dog.  And of course, Squig let me down.

Becky Bacon is going in for surgery this morning.  Her eye is really awful.  She drove herself here from Pryor and had to stop four or five times to put pain killers in her eye.  Supposedly this time, it is a piece of scar tissue that has blocked the drain.  Hopefully, this time is a charm.  She won't get a red wrap.  She is a good patient.  But this has just about worn her out.

I'm good.  Praise God.  Aside from packing boxes, nothing is going on.  I close on the house across the street this afternoon.  Then I can start figuring out where the furniture goes.  My new house has more rooms, which means more walls.  This should be a snap.

God bless you.  And may your day be good.  I appreciate all of you who read what I write.  I think of you every time I open my Mac.  And on a day like today--when I don't have anything much to say, I wonder, will you come back tomorrow when I do....?

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